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A couple of weeks ago, I joined my husband in Barcelona for a weekend getaway. Nowadays, every chance we get to travel abroad, I always save a day to go fabric shopping. (is it just me?!)
It was our third trip to Barcelona (funny enough, the first one by ourselves! the first time my older son went with us, and the second time we went with friends!), so we know the city quite well by now. (at least the tourist sites!)
Having only two days to relax and enjoy the city, there was only one fabric shop I needed (you read it right… N-E-E-D-E-D!) to visit… the lovely Nunoya. This shop is famous for its Japanese fabrics, and I had my eyes set on them!
From left to right: Atelier Brunette; Seikaha – black; Tonbo – blue; Tonbo – pink
This time I was prepared, and knew exactly what to look for. The first two, are for me (I already used the first one, but can’t show it yet!) and the last two, I chose for my niece. I wanted to make something special for her, so I needed a pretty special fabric!
It was a team effort… She wanted a skirt and a tunic. For the skirt, straight away I thought of Nienke’s pattern, the Dyyni skirt. My niece loved it and it was settled! For the tunic, after much search, she chose the Monore color block tunic from My Little Plumcake.
The skirt has six panels. It takes time to assemble all the panels, but the result is beautiful! My niece kept twirling when she tried it on.This version has an elasticised waist, but there’s also an option with a knit waist. The hem is finished with bias tape, but I didn’t have enough for the whole skirt (should of read the instructions first!), so I just sewed a regular hem. It took me a while, but it’s the best
damn hem I ever made!You can also add inseam pockets. (I never say no to pockets!)
The tunic has some lovely details too, like the two side panels and the high-low hem.
The shoulder straps have no seams exposed, for a more “professional” look.
When I get it right, I love some topstitching details… and these are perfect! (sorry for my lack of modesty!)
I’m so happy my niece loved this gift! It made me very happy!
If you feel inspired to make a Dyyni skirt (you should, it’s lovely!), just click here to get your pattern!
Soraia de Sousa Mendes
October 20, 2015 at 9:04 pmMuito giro o kit! Super perfeitinho! 😉
Rita @ conversasdehermanas
October 21, 2015 at 6:59 amQue giro o kit, Grande Tia!!!
Carla Marques
October 21, 2015 at 8:23 amAdorei, não conheci nenhum dos dois moldes. A túnica fica demais!!! Acho que a minha R ia adorar!!!!
October 21, 2015 at 11:31 amObrigada Carla! Só conhecia a saia, a túnica descobrimos por acaso, mas gostei de ambos. A construção é simples, mas fica com acabamentos óptimos!
Marta Duarte
October 21, 2015 at 9:01 amThis is too “damn” beautiful!!! What a great composition, from the fabric to the pattern, love all the details. And yes, pockets are always a great addition 😀
October 21, 2015 at 11:32 amThanks Marta! 😀
Ana Sofia
October 21, 2015 at 6:16 pmFicou tudo tão giro!
Que sorte, ter uma tia tão talentosa 🙂
October 21, 2015 at 8:16 pmObrigada Ana!
Magda E.
October 23, 2015 at 9:24 amQue conjunto lindo, adorei tudo, do tecido aos modelos, e cores. Grande Diana e que sobrinha sortuda!
October 23, 2015 at 1:46 pmObrigada! 🙂
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